Members of the Board

The original Fire Safety Code Commission was established in 1966 by Title 23 Chapter 28.3 of the Rhode Island General Laws. The statute was amended in 1975 to rename the commission as the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review. The eleven (11) board members are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate for six (6) year terms. The Governor further designates one member to serve as the Chairperson for a two (2) year term.

  • Chairperson: [Vacant]
  • Vice-Chairperson: Commissioner Mark J. Blackburn, P.E. (lic. prof. engineer)
  • Commissioner Robert M. Walker, Jr. (building inspectors representative)
  • Commissioner Rodger Booth (fire protection industry representative)
  • Commissioner Barbara J. Thornton, AIA (public representative)
  • Commissioner Carol A. O'Donnell (industry representative)
  • Commissioner Jeffrey Muto (volunteer fire chiefs representative)
  • Commissioner Michael Spaziani (public / small business representative)
  • Commissioner Joseph L. Walsh, Jr. (labor representative)
  • Commissioner John P. Horan (public representative)
  • Commissioner Richard J. Mancini (permanent fire chiefs representative)
  • Vacant (licensed architect)

Executive Director: W. Keith Burlingame, Esq.

Assistant Administrative Officer: Sallie D. Mazzur

Administrative Assistant: Desiree M. Campanini

Board Membership Opportunities

Every now and again, the State seeks applicants to fill various positions on the Board.  If you are interested in serving on the Board in the future, feel free to contact the Board's Executive Director for more information or you may convey your interest directly to the Governor's office by using this link.